Sea Wolf Voyages is proud to present Viking Camp! A day camp for youth, adults, and families.

Mission Statement

To educate, empower and entertain youth, adults, and families from all walks of life with equal emphasis on individual accomplishment and teamwork.

Vision Statement 

To provide a safe and fun environment for the hands-on education and personal growth of youth, adults, and families, to encourage the study of history and one’s own heritage, and to teach appreciation and care for the local environment and respect for its  indigenous peoples. 

Operating at waterfront parks and venues, campers will get to design, build and learn to properly use the same tools and techniques as Viking age Scandinavians, while being encouraged to also study their own cultural heritage. 

Viking Camp will also offer scholarships, and is making efforts to ensure that everyone is able and feels welcome to join us! Please see our Donate page or our Contact link below to sponsor or otherwise contribute to our scholarships!


On land, campers will learn the history of the Viking longships, their impact on modern boat building and seafaring, and hear talks by local experts in Viking history, boat building and seafaring. Campers will learn skills such as woodworking, design, painting, knot tying and swimming! 

Each day games and sports inspired by, or taken directly from, the Viking age will take place. 

Based on location and availability campers will also work on projects including but not excluded to: metal braiding for making jewelry, leather-working/ stamping, woodworking/ woodcarving, and Old Norse runic writing.

Campers will also have the opportunity to develop new skills and increase their knowledge base in history, an appreciation for the local environment, and respect for it's indigenous peoples.


Aboard our ships, campers will work as a team to learn basic seamanship, rowing, and square-rigged sailing!

Viking Camp will start as a day camp running Monday through Friday for 6 hours a day in the summer months, with the option of weekend camps, after school programs and will eventually provide an overnight camp option at Vinland Village

Aside from our vessels we will also have a tent for campers to work in, providing shade from the sun and security for campers as well as supplies and safety equipment.

Please see our Viking Camp Crew Page to find out how to become involved!